Revitalize Your Web Applications: Mastering React Client API Hydration

Bekhzod Ismoiliy
2 min readMay 24, 2023


Catch the Wave of Efficiency: Unleashing the Power of React Client API Hydration

React, the omnipresent JavaScript library, has been transforming web development since its inception. Among its plethora of features, one that often goes unnoticed is the Client API Hydration mechanism. When utilized effectively, this feature can bring significant improvements in the overall performance of your web application. Today, we’re going to demystify this concept, simplify its nuances, and share some effective practices to help you harness its full potential.

Understanding Hydration: The Key to Web App Revitalization

Let’s decode this concept, making it as simple as understanding your morning coffee. You start with dry coffee grounds (the server-rendered markup), add hot water (JavaScript), and voila, you have a revitalizing cup of coffee (a dynamic web application).

In the realm of React, ‘Hydration’ is the process of adding functionality to server-rendered HTML by attaching event listeners to it. React then takes over the user interface, turning the static markup into a fully interactive application.

The Magic of Hydration: Unveiling the Curtain

React cleverly uses hydration to balance between initial loading performance and interactivity. It first sends a static HTML version of the web page from the server. This version can be displayed quickly, giving users something to look at while the JavaScript bundle loads in the background. Once the bundle is ready, React “hydrates” the static HTML, adding interactivity.

Best Practices: Unleashing the Power of Hydration

  1. Selective Hydration: Rather than hydrating the entire application at once, consider hydrating specific components as needed. This practice, known as selective hydration, can significantly improve performance.
  2. Optimize Server-side Rendering (SSR): Ensure the server-rendered HTML is as optimized as possible. This helps reduce the JavaScript bundle size, leading to quicker hydration.
  3. Prioritize Above-the-Fold Content: Hydrate the above-the-fold content first. This ensures that the components users see first are interactive quickly, improving perceived performance.

Showcasing the Magic: An Example of Hydration in Action

Let’s take a look at a simple example to visualize the power of hydration:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';
// Server-side rendered markup
const serverRenderedMarkup = `
<div id="root">
<div class="loading">Loading...</div>
// Insert the server-rendered markup into the DOM
document.body.innerHTML = serverRenderedMarkup;
// Hydrate the <App /> component
ReactDOM.hydrate(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));

In this example, we first insert the server-rendered markup into the DOM. Then, we hydrate the <App /> component, replacing the "Loading..." message with our dynamic application.

Conclusion: Riding the Wave of React Hydration

In a world where user experience is paramount, the art of hydration can be a game-changer for your React applications. With the right understanding and practices, you can revitalize your web applications, making them not only fast but also engaging and interactive.

So, the next time you’re brewing a React application, remember to let it hydrate. It’s the secret ingredient to that revitalizing user experience every web developer dreams of.



Bekhzod Ismoiliy
Bekhzod Ismoiliy

Written by Bekhzod Ismoiliy

I am a highly skilled and dedicated Frontend Web Developer with a passion for creating exceptional user experiences.

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